Wealth Manager
Award Winning Game Designer
Best Selling Author
Award Winning Blogger
Xeo Lye is the co-founder and CEO of Capital Gains Studio, a Singaporean tabletop game publisher and consulting company. He designed award winning tabletop games such as Wongamania, Debtzilla and Zombielife Insurance and is one of the leading financial literacy tabletop games provider in Asia. Xeo is also the chief editor of Singapore Boardgame Design, a news and media site covering tabletop creators and events in Singapore. He is also the leading serious game consultant and has worked with government agencies, media agencies and multi-national companies in Asia.
Xeo is also a veteran in the Singapore wealth management industry with more than 20 years of experience. He specializes in investment advisory and global macro strategy for high net worth individuals.
Xeo co-authored a best-selling book titled "Keep Investment Stupid and Simple: 5 Elements of Successful Investors". The book explores the psychology of investors by combining behavioral finance and psychological horoscope, helping the average investors to understand the strength and weakness of each type of investors in a fun and lighthearted manner. Xeo has been appointed as one of the speakers in the Singapore’s national financial literacy program “Moneysense" and has been invited to speak at events around Asia.
As a result of a near death experience, Xeo started a fitness blog "SG Unfit Runner" and was a winner of top 10 Popular Blog at the Singapore Blog Awards. He has been invited to share on media and events to share with his lifelong struggle with Grave's Disease and what drives him to succeed despite the odds. He has also been featured in major media channels on his work on finance, gamification and entrepreneurship.


Wealth Advisory
Since 2003, Xeo Lye has specialized in financial consultancy with a focus on investment advisory. His approach combines global macroeconomic analysis with multi-factor asset allocation, optimizing portfolio performance by considering a broad range of economic indicators and diverse asset factors.

As a leading expert in gamification in Singapore, Xeo Lye has collaborated with government agencies, news media, and multinational corporations worldwide. Specializing in gamifying topics from national defense to finance, he has created various games, including tabletop, role-playing, and TV formats.

Public Speaking
Xeo is a dynamic public speaker renowned for his insightful talks on money management, gamification, entrepreneurship, and personal success. With a wealth of experience presenting in Singapore and across the region, Xeo inspires audiences with his practical wisdom and engaging storytelling.

Best Selling Author
Xeo co-wrote "The 5 Elements of Successful Investors," a bestseller at Popular Book Store. This unique book combines psychological astrology, human psychology, finance, and investment studies, examining investor psychology and analyzing key financial players, including governments, institutions, advisers, and successful entrepreneurs.
Award Winning Blogger
In 2015, Xeo Lye's blog was honored as one of the "Top Ten Most Popular Blogs" at the Singapore Blog Awards. The blog chronicles his running journey, inspired by a near-death experience from Grave's disease, sharing his transformation and inspiring readers with his story of resilience.
Award Winning Game Designer
As the leading expert in tabletop gamification, Xeo has won awards from US base International Serious Games Awards and UK base iMagination Games Awards. He has consulted with numerous government agencies, media outlets and MNC for game projects